Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Hair Restoration

Hair loss can be an embarrassing issue. Male and female pattern hair loss is a genetic problem that can leave you feeling helpless. Options, like prescription drugs, are often partially effective and carry the potential for unwanted side effects. Surgical hair restoration can be expensive and does not treat the underlying medical problems. Now there is an affordable way for you to regain your hair density back without surgery or harmful side effects. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) for hair restoration involves a simple injection of your own platelets into the vascular layer of your scalp.

PRP for Hair Restoration:

Increases blood supply to the follicle
Increases shaft size (thickness)
Triggers and maintains the growth phase
Controls hair growth cycle
Decreases hair loss


  • The blood plasma used in the procedure contains active growth factors that can stimulate hair regrowth. Once your blood is drawn, it’s placed in a centrifuge machine to zero in on the enriched cells or platelets (PRP) and separate those from the rest of what makes up your blood. Then those specific beneficial platelets are used during the injection therapy. Those platelets have three times the normal blood values, then just the blood alone. Blood contains a bounty of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. By isolating those special platelets, it’s going to in essence make using those powerfully enriched cells in the PRP Hair Loss therapy, more effective than most topical solution you can try at home.

    This quick injection involves the collection and concentration of your body’s own platelets using a very easy three-step process.

  • Schedule a complimentary consultation for a proper diagnosis and to create a treatment plan.

  • Treatment will vary based on your need. Initially, we may recommend 6 treatments spaced 1 month apart. After the initial treatment, we may suggest maintenance treatments 2-3 times per year.

  • No, collecting the PRP usually only takes 20-30 minutes. And the PRP treatment itself is even faster. It often takes as little as 3-5 minutes.

  • There may be some sensitivity. However, we can utilize effective topical anesthetic if needed.

  • There is no downtime or a long recovery process. You may take a warm shower the evening of the treatment. In addition, it is advised to avoid using any harsh dyes or chemicals on your hair for 48 hours.

  • PRP is not a cure for baldness (Androgenic Alopecia). The genetic medical problem will always remain. However, there is great evidence that regular treatments can significantly slow down the effects of Androgenic Alopecia and even works to increase hair density.


At CBB, we offer a wide array of non-surgical devices and treatments that enable us to tailor each treatment to perfection, ensuring the best possible results for our patients. Backed by our extensive experience and expertise, we’re here to help you achieve your aesthetic goals through comfortable treatments with minimal downtime in most instances. Our dedicated team is eager to meet with you, listen to your concerns, and craft a customized treatment plan that will leave you looking and feeling your absolute best. Call 647-874-8261 or schedule an appointment online today.