Cellulite Treatments

Cellulite refers to the skin condition wherein underlying fat deposits cause the skin to appear dimpled, lumpy, or to have an orange peel or cottage cheese-like texture. Mild cases can only be seen when you pinch your skin. More severe cases make the skin appear bumpy and rumpled with areas of valleys and peaks.

Cellulite typically appears after puberty and becomes more noticeable with age, as the skin becomes thinner and dimples/bumps become more prominent. The most common areas where it is found are the buttocks, thighs, arms, legs, abdomen and flanks. Both thin and overweight patients may suffer from this condition, which often proves resistant to traditional fat reduction methods such as diet and exercise programs.

Although the exact cause of cellulite is unknown, contributing factors may include:

  • Genetics

  • Age

  • Sedentary lifestyle

  • Low-fiber/high-fat diets

  • Hormones

Recommended Services For Cellulite


If you have cellulite on your body that you’d like to reduce, book a consultation to see how we can help to diminish the appearance of cellulite. Our dedicated team is eager to meet with you, listen to your concerns, and craft a customized treatment plan that will leave you looking and feeling your absolute best. Call 647-874-8261 or schedule an appointment online today